What is an Infographic? How to Create Engaging Infographics in Sweden?

4 min readOct 3, 2019


Want to make a strong impact and engage the audience better? The best way is to add visuals to your content.

Things like infographics are the visual content you need to add to your content to make your content look more attractive. But the question here is how can you make your infographic stand out among the rest?

What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a collection of imagery, graphs, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of the topic.

In simple words, an infographic is a graphic — either an image or a long webpage — that indicates data in the form of graphs and charts.

It has minimal text but structured in a way that is easy to understand. As the word infographic is the merger of the words information and graphics.

Creative and well-designed infographics plays a vital role in educating and engaging your audience.

Types of Infographics

There are many types of infographics, each defined by their purpose, the content used in them and by the story they are telling. These are the common types:

Data Visualization

Data visualizations include data points, possibly results from a survey or a trends that have been identified.

Data viualizations are trying to make data more visual, easy to understand, and ultimately retain, as shown by their name.

Information Design

Information design doesn’t mean it always include data or charts or graphs but instead organizes concepts to tell a story.

For example, information design is used in timelines and flow charts.

Editorial Infographics

Editorial infographics are often used by publications and have lengthy design then the normal design. It may have more copies of design like in newspapers, As in New York Times newspaper, data points are mixed with graphics and long form of text to tell the story.

How To Create an Engaging Infographic?

Identify your data that you will be using in your infographic

The first step of creating a great infographic is knowing what data will support your infographic early on will help you to craft a better story.

Doing a heavy research online and conducting a study online will help to gather data for your design.

Have a good look at customers data for inspiration

Proprietary data is often an untouched resource and helps a lot in getting you started.

Taking advantage of your customer data about their success stories and failures, will make your story more unique.

  • Also, if your stories being associated with your brand increase the chances of your asset being shared simply because it’s more trustworthy.

Mention industry experts and thought Leaders

Famous names always pays off. If you got a great compliment from an industry expert, include it. It will help you gaining more trust from the audience.

Avoid putting quotes without confirmation

Avoid making the mistake of getting something that the industry expert didn’t say. Make sure to confirm your sources, whether they are true or not.

If you find a quote on someone blog and they don’t mention that quote source, then di a little deeper. Find where exactly that is said and mention that source.

Always mention a credible source, so that you will not be blamed of spreading the false news or statement.

To confirm that your source is accurate or not, ask the following questions:

  • Does the author have details?
  • Who are they? How they contributed in the industry?
  • What are the services of the website?
  • Is the website affiliated with the familiar organization?

Create story by using your research

Your research is very important, but you story is what will keep people engaged. Make sure you use images with your data to make it more clear and valuable story.

Tools to compile, organize & collaborate on research

  1. Google Docs.
  2. Evernote: A free tool that makes things easy to collaborate, and combine web content and notes.
  3. Good Notes: Paid tool for writing down notes and drawing an idea or mockup.
  4. Scrivener: A paid app that is very useful for researching, writing, and compiling data.

Final Thoughts

Here are final takeaways for you to improve your infographic:

  • Be Informative: Regardless of style type, infographics needs to educate their readers on the topic.
  • Don’t Tell, show them: Infographics are visual content pieces that include graphics that aim to draw the customer attention on the key points. Keep text minimum.
  • Logical hierarchy: Structure is important. Be strategic in what the user sees first and how close the story matters the most.
  • Don’t be afraid to change: Be honest with yourself. If you’re not inspired, it’s okay to change the course.

We at CodeLedge, offer the creative info-graphic designs services in Sweden. We are a very experienced team of professionals and have great knowledge of creating the unique and eye catching infographics.

We do our research and follow the latest trends to create the master pieces for our customers.

Try our professional infographic services, I bet you will love it. Email us at hi@codeledge.com or get a quote from here.

